Video conferencing SaaS leveraged by Virgin and the Atlantic

A SaaS startup providing B2B video conferencing solutions to brands like the Atlantic, Virgin, and Rolling Stone engaged AgileEngine to enhance its flagship offering. The modernization and new video conferencing functionality delivered by our experts enabled the client to solidify and expand its market position.

Project overview: high-impact deliverables in record time

AgileEngine’s full-stack development, UX/UI, and data engineering experts have been collaborating closely with the client company’s internal team, enhancing its digital and hardware capabilities. We developed high-impact conferencing functionality in record time, modernized the company’s technology platform, improved UX across web and mobile, and implemented critical integrations with third-party tools and client APIs.

Key deliverables


The video conferencing solutions delivered within the scope of our engagement cover a wide range of complex, industry-leading technology. From purpose-built hardware and Dolby Voice support to WebRTC and AWS hyperscale cloud, these solutions ensure “like you’re there” quality for enterprise users.

Key deliverables


Outcomes and highlights


Video conferencing, Workplace productivity, Collaboration, Enterprise software, SaaS


Video calls, Web app, Mobile app, Data visualization, Integrations, UI architecture, B2B application


Full-stack development, UI development, Mobile development, Data engineering


Scala, Java, PostgreSQL, Redis, Angular, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C++, Swift, Kotlin, AndroidX, Backbone, Vue.js, Vuex, Python, BigQuery, Elasticsearch, Google Cloud Platform, WebRTC, Microsoft 365, Flow, Retrofit

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