AI-powered AdTech trusted by Microsoft, Verizon, and Toyota

A programmatic advertising SaaS trusted by AdAge 100 brands like Microsoft, Audible, and Verizon engages AgileEngine in modernizing its technology platform and product. The solutions introduced by our team are integral to business-critical functionality like campaign audit, analytics, and optimization. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and engineering approaches, our experts re-architected the company’s main API and web apps and developed new AI solutions powering campaign analytics.

AI and data solutions bringing computer vision to AdTech

The AI/ML systems delivered by AgileEngine utilize object detection models and image clustering algorithms, bringing computer vision to ad analytics and optimization. Our experts took ownership of model design, training, and optimization while also handling the infrastructure needed to run AI/ML tools.

Key deliverables


Backend and UI solutions for campaign management

AgileEngine’s full-stack engineers played a key role in creating B2B applications that enable the monitoring and management of campaign performance. By revamping and building new solutions from scratch, our team helped boost the scalability, reliability, and precision of the company’s core services.

Key deliverables


Project highlights and outcomes


AdTech, Advertising, Marketing, B2B, SaaS


AI, Data pipeline, B2B application, UI architecture, Product architecture, API, System optimization


AI engineering, Data engineering, Full-stack development, UI development, Backend development


Python, AWS, Amazon Sagemaker, Pytorch, Golang, TypeScript, PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Node.js, Express.js, React.js, Angular.js, Vue.js, Java, Spring, AWS, K8s, CloudFormation, Docker, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, Helm, Chrome Headless, MongoDB, Grafana, Prometheus, Kubernetes

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